- Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1991
- M.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1988
- B.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1986
Dr. Neu began at Tech in 1995 as an Assistant Professor. Prior, he was a Visiting Scientist at U. S. Air Force Research Laboratory.
- Mechanics of Materials, Tribology, Manufacturing, and AI and Informatics for ME; Fatigue, deformation and degradation of materials
Dr. Neu's research involves the understanding and prediction of the fatigue behavior of materials and closely related topics, typically when the material must resist degradation and failure in harsh environments. Specifically, he has published in areas involving thermomechanical fatigue, fretting fatigue, creep and environmental effects, viscoplastic deformation and damage development, and related constitutive and finite-element modeling with a particular emphasis on the role of the materials microstructure on the physical deformation and degradation processes. He has investigated a broad range of structural materials including steels, titanium alloys, nickel-base superalloys, metal matrix composites, molybdenum alloys, high entropy alloys, medical device materials, and solder alloys used in electronic packaging. His research has widespread applications in aerospace, surface transportation, power generation, machinery components, medical devices, and electronic packaging. His work involves the prediction of the long-term reliability of components operating in extreme environments such as the hot section of a gas turbine system for propulsion or energy generation. His research is funded by some of these industries as well as government funding agencies.
Dr. Neu’s current research activities:
1. process-structure-mechanical property relationships for additively manufactured structural metals and alloys with a focus on fatigue behavior using combination of physics-based models and machine learning methods;

2. high-throughput materials development methods including combinatorial experimental methods for microstructure and mechanical property assessment;

3. thermomechanical fatigue crack formation and fatigue crack growth;

4. creep and creep-fatigue crack growth in Ni-base superalloys;

5. high temperature fretting and reciprocating sliding wear;

6. microstructure-sensitive modeling and prediction of rolling contact fatigue in bearings.

- US National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, National Academies (2018-2025)
- ASTM International Professor of the Year (2023)
- ASME Fellow (2017)
- ASTM International Fellow (2012)
- Award of Merit, ASTM International (2012)
- 6TH International Symposium on Fretting Fatigue Best Paper Award, 2010
- Sigma Xi (Georgia Tech Chapter) President, 2008-2010
- TAPPI Engineering Conference Stowe Best Paper Award, 2006
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Orr Best Paper Award, 2006
- American Society for Testing and Materials
- Thermomechanical Fatigue Behavior of Materials Symposium, Best Presented Paper Award, 1998
- E-8 Committee on Fatigue and Fracture Keith J. Miller Young Investigator Award, 1997
- American Society for Engineering Education Outstanding New Mechanics Educator Award, 1998
- Wright Laboratory Materials Directorate Director's Award, 1995
Representative Publications
- Acharya, R., Caputo, A.N., and Neu, R.W., "Machine learning model for predicting the influence of crystallographic orientation on thermomechanical fatigue of Ni-base superalloys," International Journal of Fatigue, accepted, January 2025.
- Farahmand, F. and Neu, R.W., "AI Safety for Physical Infrastructures: A Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Approach," Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, accepted, January 2025. doi 10.1111/ffe.14575
- Neu, R.W., Acharya, R., Caputo, A.N., Bridges, A., and Shingledecker, J., “LCF and TMF of Superalloys Used for IGT Blades and Vanes,” proc. 10th International Conference on Advances in Materials, Manufacturing & Repair for Power Plants, Bonita Springs, FL, October 15-18, 2024, Paper No: AM-EPRI-2024p0766, pp. 766-783. doi 10.31399/
- Zhang, Haolin, Caputo, A.N., Prasad Vallabh, C.K., Zhang, Heyang, Neu, R.W., and Zhao, X., "Evaluating and Correlating Multimodal Process Dynamics, Microstructure Features, and Mechanical Properties in Laser Powder Bed Fusion," Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 127, 2024, pp. 511-530. doi 10.1016/j.jmapro.2024.08.003
- Towner, Z.B., Narasimhachary S.B., Gravett, P.W., Neu, R.W., Muhlstein, C.L., and Saxena, A., "Creep crack growth in Alloy 247LC-DS," Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol. 47, No. 10, 2024, pp. 3546-3560. doi 10.1111/ffe.14385
- Satin, M.M., Johnson, W.S., and Neu, R.W., "Time- and Cycle-dependent Growth of Surface Cracks in Alloy 718," Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol. 47, 2024, pp. 1395-1416. doi 10.1111/ffe.14241
- Zhang, C. and Neu, R.W., "Temperature-frequency wear mechanism maps for a heat-resistant austenitic stainless steel," Wear, Vol. 522, 2023, No. 204844. doi 10.1016/j.wear.2023.204844
- Acharya, R., Caputo, A.N., and Neu, R.W., "Machine learning model for predicting the influence of crystallographic orientation on thermomechanical fatigue of Ni-base superalloys," International Journal of Fatigue, accepted, January 2025.
- Farahmand, F. and Neu, R.W., "AI Safety for Physical Infrastructures: A Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Approach," Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, accepted, January 2025. doi 10.1111/ffe.14575
- Neu, R.W., Acharya, R., Caputo, A.N., Bridges, A., and Shingledecker, J., “LCF and TMF of Superalloys Used for IGT Blades and Vanes,” proc. 10th International Conference on Advances in Materials, Manufacturing & Repair for Power Plants, Bonita Springs, FL, October 15-18, 2024, Paper No: AM-EPRI-2024p0766, pp. 766-783. doi 10.31399/
- Zhang, Haolin, Caputo, A.N., Prasad Vallabh, C.K., Zhang, Heyang, Neu, R.W., and Zhao, X., "Evaluating and Correlating Multimodal Process Dynamics, Microstructure Features, and Mechanical Properties in Laser Powder Bed Fusion," Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 127, 2024, pp. 511-530. doi 10.1016/j.jmapro.2024.08.003
- Towner, Z.B., Narasimhachary S.B., Gravett, P.W., Neu, R.W., Muhlstein, C.L., and Saxena, A., "Creep crack growth in Alloy 247LC-DS," Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol. 47, No. 10, 2024, pp. 3546-3560. doi 10.1111/ffe.14385
- Satin, M.M., Johnson, W.S., and Neu, R.W., "Time- and Cycle-dependent Growth of Surface Cracks in Alloy 718," Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol. 47, 2024, pp. 1395-1416. doi 10.1111/ffe.14241
- Zhang, C. and Neu, R.W., "Temperature-frequency wear mechanism maps for a heat-resistant austenitic stainless steel," Wear, Vol. 522, 2023, No. 204844. doi 10.1016/j.wear.2023.204844
- Acharya, R., Caputo, A.N., and Neu, R.W., "Predicting Creep-Fatigue and Thermomechanical Fatigue Life of Ni-base Superalloys using a Probabilistic Physics-guided Neural Network," Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol. 46, 2023, pp. 1554-1571. doi 10.1111/ffe.13948
- Bhat, A. and Neu, R.W., "An Improved Methodology for Extracting Uniaxial Stress-Strain Curves from Spherical Indentation Data," Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 174, 2022, No. 104459. doi 10.1016/j.mechmat.2022.104459
- Neu, R.W., Caputo, A.N., Gorgannejad, S., Espejo Albela, A., Carpenter, M.N., Zhang, C., Tanna, A.H., Peloke, B., Defay, M., Collins, J.G., Sobotka, J.C., Popelar, C.F., Macha, J.H., and Coogan, S.B., "Evaluation of HCF Strength of Alloy 625 with Non-optimum Additive Manufacturing Process Parameters," International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 162, 2022, No. 106978. doi 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2022.106978
- Gorgannejad, S., Estrada Rodas, E.A., and Neu, R.W., "Employing Sequential Experiments to Gain Insights on the Interaction between Creep and Fatigue Damage in Ni-base Superalloys," Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol. 45, 2022, pp. 1981-1994. doi 10.1111/ffe.13715
- Zhang, C. and Neu, R.W., "Understanding the role of glaze layer with aligned images from multiple surface characterization techniques," Wear, Vol. 477, Paper 203837, 2021. doi 10.1016/j.wear.2021.203837
- Leung, J.F.W., Voothaluru, R., and Neu, R.W., "Predicting white etching matter formation in bearing steels using a fretting damage parameter," Tribology International, Vol. 159, Paper 106966, 2021. doi 10.1016/j.triboint.2021.106966
- Bhat, A. and Neu, R.W., "On the Constraint Factor Relating Uniaxial and Indentation Yield Strength of Polycrystalline Materials Using Spherical Microindentation," Materials Performance and Characterization, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2020, pp. 324-345. doi 10.1520/MPC20190260
- Satin, M.M., Johnson, W.S., Neu, R.W., Annigeri, B., Ziegler, B., and Kersey, R.K., "Transition Modeling of Surface Flaws to Through Cracks," Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol. 43, Issue 7, 2020, pp. 1353-1367. doi 10.1111/ffe.13190
- Leung, J.F.W., Bedekar, V., Voothaluru, R., and Neu, R.W., "Mechanical Properties of White Etching Areas in Carburized Bearing Steel Using Spherical Nanoindentation," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 50, No. 11, 2019, pp. 4949-4954. doi 10.1007/s11661-019-05419-2
- Estrada Rodas, E.A., Gorgannejad, S., and Neu, R.W., "Creep-Fatigue Behaviour of Single-Crystal Ni-base Superalloy CMSX-8," Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol. 42, No. 9, 2019, pp. 2155-2171. doi 10.1111/ffe.13098
- Brindley, K.A. and Neu, R.W., "Crystal Viscoplasticity Model of Mo including the Influence of Si in Solid Solution," Materials Performance and Characterization, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2019, pp. 272-287. doi 10.1520/MPC20190040
- Winter, T., Kolaya, L., Neu, R.W., Singh, P., Deo, C.S., and Vizoso, D., "Coefficient of Friction Evolution with Temperature under Fretting Wear for FeCrAl Fuel Cladding Candidate," Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 520, 2019, pp. 140-151. doi 10.1016/j.nucmat.2019.04.013
- Neu, R.W., "Crack Paths in Single-crystal Ni-base Superalloys under Isothermal and Thermomechanical Fatigue," International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 123, 2019, pp. 268-278. doi 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.02.022
- Brindley, K.A., Priddy, M.W., and Neu, R.W., "Integrative Materials Design of Three-Phase Mo-Si-B Alloys," Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, Vol. 8, 2019, pp. 1-16. doi 10.1007/s40192-019-0124-4
- Gorgannejad, S., Reisi Gahrooei, M., Paynabar, K., and Neu, R.W., "Quantitative prediction of the aged state of Ni-base superalloys using PCA and tensor regression," Acta Materialia, Vol. 165, 2019, pp. 259-269. doi 10.1016/j.actamat.2018.11.047
- Kirka, M.M. and Neu, R.W., "Crystal viscoplasticity of a Ni-base superalloy in the aged state," Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 141, No. 1, 2019, 011003. doi 10.1115/1.4040222
- Clark, B.C., Castelluccio, G.M., Reiterer, M.W., McDowell, D.L., and Neu, R.W., "Microstructure-sensitive Fatigue Modelling of Medical-Grade Fine Wire," Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol. 42, 2019, pp. 152-165. doi 10.1111/ffe.12879
- Winter, T., Neu, R.W., Singh, P.M., Kolaya, L.E., and Deo, C.S., "Fretting Wear Comparison of Cladding Materials for Reactor Fuel Cladding Application, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 508, 2018, pp. 505-515. doi 10.1016/j.jneumat.2018.05.069
- Goulding, A.N., Leung, J.F.W., and Neu, R.W., "Communicating Materials Systems Knowledge through Processing-Structure-Properties-Performance (PSPP) Maps," Journal of Materials Education, Vol. 40, No. 1-2, 2018, pp. 1-18.
- Estrada Rodas, E.A. and Neu, R.W., "Crystal Viscoplasticity Model for the Creep-Fatigue Interactions in Single-Crystal Ni-base Superalloy CMSX-8," International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 100, 2018, pp. 14-33.
- Radzicki, A.T., Johnson, W.S., Neu, R.W., Annigeri, B.S., and Ziegler, B.M., "Impact of compressive hold on out-of-phase thermomechanical fatigue crack growth in IN 718," Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol. 40, No. 9, 2017, pp. 1406-1415. DOI 10.1111/ffe.12584
- Gorgannejad, S., Estrada Rodas, E.A., and Neu, R.W., "Ageing kinetics of Ni-base superalloys," Materials at High Temperatures, Special Issue on "High Temperature Materials for Aerospace Applications," Vol. 33, No. 4-5, 2016, pp. 291-300. DOI 10.1080/09603409.2016.1176753
- Amaro, R.L., Antolovich, S.D., Neu, R.W., and Singh, P.M., "High temperature oxidation and g ' depletion in the single crystal superalloy PWA 1484," Materials at High Temperatures, Special Issue on "High Temperature Materials for Aerospace Applications," Vol. 33, No. 4-5, 2016, pp. 476-488. DOI 10.1080/09603409.2016.1180276
- Siopis, M.J. and Neu, R.W., "The effect of tribomaterial pairings on wear of an aluminum under high sliding speeds and high contact pressure," Wear, Vol. 352-353, 2016, pp. 180-187. DOI 10.1016/j.wear.2016.02.014
- Hirsch, M.R. and Neu, R.W., "Temperature-dependent fretting damage of high strength stainless steel sheets," Wear, Vol. 346-347, 2016, pp. 6-14. DOI 10.1016/j.wear.2015.10.007
- Siopis, M.J. and Neu, R.W., "Wear at high sliding speeds and high contact pressures," Wear, Vol. 342-343, 2015, pp. 356-363. DOI 10.1016/j.wear.2015.09.010
- Kirka, M.M., Brindley, K.A., Neu, R.W., Antolovich, S.D., Shinde, S.R., and Gravett, P.W., "Influence of coarsened and rafted microstructures on the thermomechanical fatigue of a Ni-base superalloy," International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 81, 2015, pp. 191-201. DOI 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2015.08.001
- Kirka, M.M., Brindley, K.A., Neu, R.W., Antolovich, S.D., Shinde, S.R., and Gravett, P.W., "Parameters influencing thermomechanical fatigue of a directionally-solidified Ni-base superalloy," International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 81, 2015, pp. 48-60. DOI 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2015.07.011
- Brindley, K.A., Kirka, M.M., Fernandez-Zelaia, P. and Neu, R.W., "Thermomechanical fatigue of Mar-M247: Extension of a unified constitutive and life model to higher temperatures," Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 137, July 2015, 031001. DOI 10.1115/1.4029908
- Kirka, M.M., Smith, D.J., and Neu, R.W., "Efficient methodologies for determining temperature-dependent parameters of a Ni-base superalloy crystal viscoplasticity model," Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 136, October 2014, 041001. DOI 10.1115/1.4027857
- Fernandez-Zelaia, P. and Neu, R.W., "Influence of notch severity on thermomechanical fatigue life of a directionally-solidified Ni-base superalloy," Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 37, No. 8, 2014, pp. 854-865. DOI 10.1111/ffe.12166
- Neal, S.D. and Neu, R.W., "Reduced-order constitutive modeling of directionally-solidified Ni-base superalloys," Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 136, April 2014, 021003. DOI 10.1115/1.4026271
- Amaro, R.L., Antolovich, S.D., Neu, R.W., Adair, B.S., Hirsch, M.R., Fernandez-Zelaia, P., O'Rourke, M., and Staroselsky, A., "Towards the development of a physics-based thermo-mechanical fatigue life prediction model for a single crystalline Ni-base superalloy," Materials Performance and Characterization (Special Issue on High Temperature Fatigue), Vol. 3, No. 2, 2014, pp. 1-15. DOI 10.1520/MPC20130049
- Fernandez-Zelaia, P. and Neu, R.W., "Influence of control mode on thermomechanical fatigue testing of circumferentially-notched specimens," Materials Performance and Characterization (Special Issue on High Temperature Fatigue), Vol. 3, No. 2, 2014, pp. 91-109. DOI 10.1520/MPC20130043
- Hirsch, M.R., Amaro, R.L., Antolovich, S.D., and Neu, R.W., "Coupled thermomechanical high cycle fatigue in a single crystal Ni-base superalloy," International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 62, 2014, pp. 53-61. DOI 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2013.04.026
- Neu, R.W., "Performance and characterization of TWIP steels for automotive applications," Materials Performance and Characterization, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2013, pp. 244-284, Paper ID MPC20130009, DOI 10.1520/MPC20130009
- Siopis, M.J. and Neu, R.W., "Materials selection exercise for electromagnetic launcher rails," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 49, No. 8, 2013, pp. 4831-4838.
- Hirsch, M.R. and Neu, R.W., "A simple model for friction evolution in fretting," Wear, Vol. 301, 2013, pp. 517-523.
- Hirsch, M.R. and Neu, R.W., "Influence of temperature on the fretting response between AISI 301 stainless steel and AISI 52100 steel," Tribology International, Vol. 68, 2013, pp. 77-84.
- Alley, E.S. and Neu, R.W., "A hybrid crystal plasticity and phase transformation model for high carbon steel," Computational Mechanics, Vol. 52, No. 2, 2013, pp. 237-255, DOI 10.1007/s00466-012-0810-y.
- Amaro, R.L., Antolovich, S.D., and Neu, R.W., "Mechanism-based life model for out-of-phase thermomechanical fatigue in single crystal Ni-base superalloys," Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol. 35, No. 7, 2012, pp. 658-671.
- Amaro, R.L., Antolovich, S.D., Neu, R.W., Fernandez-Zelaia, P., and Hardin, W.G., "Thermomechanical fatigue and bithermal-thermomechanical fatigue of a nickel-base single crystal superalloy," International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 42, 2012, pp. 165-171.
- Stewart, C.M., Gordon, A.P., Ma, Y.W., and Neu, R.W., "An anisotropic tertiary creep-damage constitutive model for anisotropic materials," International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Vol. 88, Issues 8-9, 2011, pp. 356-364.
- Moore, Z.J. and Neu, R.W., "Fatigue life modeling of anisotropic materials using a multiaxial notch analysis," Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 133, July 2011, 031001.
- Neu, R.W. and Smith, D.J., "Modeling creep-fatigue deformation of Ni-base superalloys using crystal viscoplasticity," Journal of ASTM International, keynote presentation at ASTM International Symposium on Creep-Fatigue Interactions: Test Methods and Models, San Antonio, TX, November 17-19, 2010, Vol. 8, No. 5, 2011, Paper ID JAI103674.
- Neu, R.W., "Progress in standardization of fretting fatigue terminology and testing," Tribology International, Vol. 44, 2011, pp. 1371-1377.
- Hirsch, M.R. and Neu, R.W., "Fretting damage in thin sheets: Analysis of an experimental configuration," Tribology International, Vol. 44, 2011, pp. 1503-1510. •• Received Best Paper Award ••
- Stewart, C.M., Gordon, A.P., Ma, Y.W., and Neu, R.W., "An improved anisotropic tertiary creep damage formulation," Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol. 133, No. 5, October 2011, 051201.
- Antolovich, S.D., Amaro, R.L., Neu, R.W., and Staroselsky, A., "On the development of physically based life prediction models in the thermo mechanical fatigue of Ni-base superalloys," Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 465, 2011, pp. 47-54.
- Kupkovits, R.A. and Neu, R.W., "Thermomechanical fatigue of a directionally-solidified Ni-base superalloy: Smooth and cylindrically-notched specimens," International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 32, 2010, pp. 1330-1342.
- Moore, Z.J. and Neu, R.W., "Creep-fatigue of a directionally-solidified Ni-base superalloy – smooth and cylindrically-notched specimens," Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 34, 2010, pp. 17-31.
- Alley, E.S., Sawamiphakdi, K., Anderson, P.I., and Neu, R.W., "Modeling the Influence of Microstructure in Rolling Contact Fatigue," Journal of ASTM International, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2010.
- Alley, E.S. and Neu, R.W., "Microstructure-sensitive Modeling of Rolling Contact Fatigue," International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 32, 2010, pp. 841-850.
- Zhang, M., Neu, R.W., and McDowell, D.L., "Microstructure-sensitive modeling: Application to fretting contacts," International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 31, 2009, pp. 1397-1406.
- Zhang, M., McDowell, D.L., and Neu, R.W., "Microstructure sensitivity of fretting fatigue based on computational crystal plasticity," Tribology International, Vol. 42, 2009, pp. 1286-1296.
- Huang, X., Gibson, T.E., Zhang, M., and Neu, R.W., "Fretting on the cubic face of a single-crystal Ni-base superalloy at room temperature," Tribology International, Vol. 42, 2009, pp. 875-885.
- Gordon, A.P., Neu, R.W., and McDowell, D.L., "Effect of pre-exposure on crack initiation life of a directionally-solidified Ni-base superalloy," International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 31, 2009, pp. 393-401.
- Dawkins, J.J. and Neu, R.W., "Influence of crystallographic orientation on energy dissipation during sliding," Journal of Tribology, Vol. 130, October 2008, pp. 041604-1 to 041604-9.
- Hirsch, M.R. and Neu, R.W., "Fretting behaviour of AISI 301 stainless steel sheet in full hard condition in contact with AISI 52100 steel," Tribology – Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2008, pp. 3-9.
- Neu, R.W., "The Fretting Fatigue Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V," Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 378-379, 2008, pp. 147-162. In special issue entitled "Progress in Understanding the Fatigue Behavior of Metallic Materials."
- Huang, X. and Neu, R.W., "High-load fretting of Ti-6Al-4V interfaces in point contact," Wear, Vol. 265, 2008, pp. 971-978.
- Mayeur, J.R., McDowell, D.L., and Neu, R.W., "Crystal plasticity simulations of fretting of Ti-6Al-4V in partial slip regime considering effects of texture," Computational Materials Science, Vol. 41, No. 3, 2008, pp. 356-365.
- Yang, D., Singh, P.M., and Neu, R.W., "Initiation and Propagation of Stress-Assisted Corrosion (SAC) Cracks in Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes," Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 129, October 2007, pp. 559-566.
- Gordon, A.P., Trexler, M.D., Neu, R.W., Sanders, T.J., and McDowell, D.L., "Corrosion kinetics of a directionally solidified Ni-base superalloy," Acta Materialia, Vol. 55, No. 10, 2007, pp. 3375-3385.
- Pape, J.A. and Neu, R.W., "Subsurface damage development during fretting fatigue of high strength steel," Tribology International, Vol. 40, 2007, pp. 1111-1119.
- Pape, J.A. and Neu, R.W., "A comparative study of the fretting fatigue behavior of 4340 steel and PH 13-8 Mo stainless steel," International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 29, 2007, pp. 2219-2229.
- Goh, C.-H., McDowell, D.L., and Neu, R.W., "Influence of Microstructure in Partial-Slip Fretting Contacts Based upon Two-Dimensional Crystal Plasticity Simulations," Journal of Tribology, Vol. 128, October 2006, pp. 735-744.
- Shenoy, M.M., McDowell, D.L., and Neu, R.W., "Transversely isotropic viscoplasticity model for a directionally solidified Ni-base superalloy," International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 22, No. 12, 2006, pp. 2301-2326.
- Swalla, D.R. and Neu, R.W., "Fretting damage assessment of titanium alloys using orientation imaging microscopy," Tribology International, Vol. 39, 2006, pp. 1016-1027.
- Averett, R.D., Realff, M.L., Michielsen, S., and Neu, R.W., "Mechanical behavior of nylon 66 fibers under monotonic and cyclic loading," Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 66, 2006, pp. 1671-1681.
- Goh, C.-H., McDowell, D.L., and Neu, R.W., "Plasticity in polycrystalline fretting fatigue contacts," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 54, 2006, pp. 340-367.
- Woodmansee, M.W. and Neu, R.W., "Effect of stress and strain state on heterogeneous coarsening in Sn-Pb solder," Acta Materialia, Vol. 54, 2006, pp. 197-207.
- Lovrich, N.R. and Neu, R.W., "Effect of Mean Stress on Fretting Fatigue of Ti-6Al-4V on Ti-6Al-4V," Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 29, 2006, pp. 41-55.
- Shenoy, M.M., Gordon, A.P., McDowell, D.L., and Neu, R.W., "Thermomechanical Fatigue Behavior of a Directionally Solidified Ni-base Superalloy," Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 127, July 2005, pp. 325-336.
- Swalla, D.R., Neu, R.W., and McDowell, D.L., "Microstructural Characterization of Ti-6Al-4V Subjected to Fretting," Journal of Tribology, Vol. 126, October 2004, pp. 809-816.
- Goh, C.-H., McDowell, D.L., and Neu, R.W., "Characteristics of Plastic Deformation Field in Polycrystalline Fretting Contacts," International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 25, 2003, pp. 1047-1058.
- Goh, C.-H., Neu, R.W., and McDowell, D.L., "Crystallographic Plasticity in Fretting of Ti-6Al-4V," International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 19, No. 10, 2003, pp. 1627-1650.
- Wallace, J.M. and Neu, R.W., "Fretting Fatigue Crack Nucleation in Ti-6Al-4V," Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 26, 2003, pp. 199-214.
- Woodmansee, M.W. and Neu, R.W., "The Influence of Prior Strain Rate on Stress Relaxation in Solder Alloys," Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 322, January 2002, pp. 79-88.
- Pape, J.A. and Neu, R.W., "Fretting Fatigue Damage Accumulation in PH 13-8 Mo Stainless Steel," International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 23, Supplement 1, 2001, pp. S437-S444.
- Goh, C.-H., Wallace, J.M., Neu, R.W., and McDowell, D.L., "Polycrystal Plasticity Simulations of Fretting Fatigue," International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 23, Supplement 1, 2001, pp. S423-S435.
- Swalla, D.R. and Neu, R.W., "Influence of Coefficient of Friction on Fretting Fatigue Crack Nucleation Prediction," Tribology International, Vol. 34, 2001, pp. 493-503.
- Neu, R.W., Scott, D.T., and Woodmansee, M.W., "Thermomechanical Behavior of 96Sn-4Ag and Castin Alloy," Journal of Electronic Packaging, Vol. 123, September 2001, pp. 238-246.